Get the financial help you need today. We make getting an online loan fast and easy as possible. Apply once and borrow cash with confidence. Pay it off and lend again as often as you need to.OUR LOAN REQUEST FEATURE.- Easy loan application process — takes less than 5 minutes.- Quick and easy approval process.- Paperless application process on your mobile phone.- No credit history required.- Fast credit limit growth — increases every time you repay on time.HOW IT WORKS• Easy Sign up Download the app and create a profile within minutes.• Request a Loan Choose the desired cash amount and how long you want to borrow.• Loan Repayment Calculator Check the interest rate of the borrowed amount. No other fees are charged.• Receive MoneyOnce your loan is confirmed, the money is transferred straight to your line of credit speedily.• Repayment Make full or spread repayments over up to 12 months. Remember the more you payback on time, the more you can borrow. WHO CAN APPLYAny person 18+ years old holding a valid ID and a mobile number. A citizen of United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.Have ability to repay.• Loan Amount: AED 1000 – AED 6000• Tenure: 91 - 365 days• Maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 48% per yearWe provide unsecured mobile loans from AED 200 toAED 2,000 with flexible payback period from 91 days to 365 days and interest rate from 3% to 18% per year. The minimum Maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is 20 % and maximum APR is 48% per year. Representative Example:Apply for a loan of AED 400 with period 120 days, Interest Rate is 15%, APR is 48%. - Loan Principal: 400 (120 days)- Total Interest Fee: 60 ( 400 * 15%)- Repayment Amount: 460 ( 400 + 60 ) PRIVACY AND PERMISSIONTrusted to keep your information secure. Your data is safe with us. We take your privacy very seriously and promise to never share your information with third parties.CONTACT USIf you have questions regarding a loan inquiry, approval, payments or feedback, please e-mail us at
[email protected] are not a bank or a personal loan app. Instead, we provide personal lines of credit.We do not ask the applicant to pay advance money for a loan. We have provided guideline on how to apply for a loan.